Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Gideon got a hedgehog! It was supposed to be for his birthday on the 15th but when i'm the only one here, well, it's hard to hide things when you have to pick them up too. I almost did it, but he saw her at the last minute..

And yes, i'm aware some of the pics are a little blurry. But you try taking a picture of this thing that is still scared and hiding in it's bed. lol 


  1. Cute! I wanted one of those when I was a kid. :)

    1. I've always wanted one too! That may be why my son got it for "his" birthday... lol

  2. You're a brave mama! Fish are about as far as I can go :-)

    If you haven’t joined Wordless Wednesday Bloggers yet, please share your WW at each and every week!

    1. We have the fish but they're so boring! We were going to get a snake but with hubby gone that would mean that i'd have to pick him up to clean the cage and I just don't think I could do it. lol. His quills actually don't really hurt, you can pet them :)


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